Sega Dreamcast
Sega Saturn
Sega Genesis
Grey Matter
About dEX
The Creator

Sega Dreamcast

Specs Data Closet Release Dates Now Available Reviews Snapshots Codes

legal stuff

I take no personal credit for the following screen shots. They have been obtained from various sources on the Internet and from official 'pro-mo' captures. Some of the images are copyright of their respective owners and some have been used without permission. The following pages have lots of graphics so be patient! Please excuse the graininess of some of the images due to compression. Videos are in Quicktime format, click on the link to view, or shift-click to download/save the video.

Featured Games:Archives:
Last Update: 06-17-1999
Last Update: 06-17-1999
  • Power Stone
  • Offline: Shenmue (1-78), Evolution, Sonic Adventure.

Soul Calibur - NamcoTop

Soul Calibur is Namco's first and perhaps only Dreamcast title. The game will be out in Japan on August 5th 1999. Going by the quality of Namco's previous fighters it should be very good...graphically the game is quite impressive and it offers many play modes. The title is also set as a US launch title.

Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur Soul Calibur

All products are trademarks of their respective companies.

Questions or comments? Contact dEX.