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Newsletter from 03-23-97
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Hello all,


Only one week left until the current vote ends! So if you haven't already, take a moment to vote!

Topic: Has Sega failed in promoting the Saturn as the console to use? Has their advertising so far been ineffective when compared to the Genesis campaigns?

Cast your vote here:

In the past 7 days, five new games have come out: The Crow, Die Hard Arcade, FIFA '97, Independence Day, and Scud ($25!). Die Hard Arcade has been getting good reviews so far, most state that the port os practically flawless...then again, it should be since the game was originally based on the ST-V board. Last week Sega announced that Bernie Stolar would be put in charge of Sega's business in North America. They also stated that Sega would keep the same name (in America) after the merger with Bandai. Though I still find it strange that the CEO of Bandai will head the new company since Bandai is not doing as well as Sega Enterprises. I've also added a review of Samurai Spirits (Shodown) 3 for the Saturn.

More rumors from Next Gen have surfaced in the past week, they now state that the 'black belt' system will probably come with 16MB of RAM and an addition 8MB of texture/video memory. At this point, its hard to say what is going to happen, some of their reports are conflicting and they have yet to show real proof (some Sega reps deny the project) of their sources.

That's all I have to say this week, cya!


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