Welcome to the Enemy Zero Guide. Here you'll find an overview of the game, character studies, explanation of the general gameplay, overall hints, and a walkthrough of the game. At the end of the file, there's an interview with E0's creator, Kenji Eno. Please note: There is a file named E0MAPS.ZIP on the Sega Forum that provide the maps indicated in the Walkthrough section. Table of Contents ----------------- 1 - The Story 2 - The Characters 3 - The VEXX System 4 - Using the VPS 5 - Search Mode 6 - Saving Game Data 7 - Shooting Enemies 8 - General Hints 9 - Walkthrough 10 - Interview with Kenji Eno 11 - Contacting Sega for More Help 1 - The Story Homeward bound, the exploratory biocraft "Aki", travels through the lonely vastness of space. Its crew is sealed in the long night of cryogenic suspension. Like a great heart, the spacecraft floats quietly in black while the shipboard systems register Darkness, silence, cold and time - these are the elements of the void; in space, it is all there is... The Aki's network system monitors low-level neural activity in Laura Lewis' Troubled dreams disturb the co-pilot's sleep. Across her frozen mind strobes visions of war in the homeland in scattered flashes. The data is recorded; the sensors scanning. On a lower deck, a systems failure in the storage bay is followed by the sudden impact of an explosive force. The main computer engages its emergency program rousing the crew from their deep hibernation. Laura awakes as the nitrogen solution dissolves into mist, but clouds of uncertainty remain in her mind. Her life functions are stable, but memories have been lost. Amnesiac and dazed, she starts up the computer console, searching for clues to her identity and past. The video phone directory connects her with Parker, the craft's Engineer. It's apparent shock that initiated the emergency program, has damaged circuitry deep in the core, cutting off the voice connection between rooms. At first, Parker merely gestures futility, but suddenly a violent tremor rocks his cabin. As a wave of shock and crosses his face, Laura can only look on in helpless silence as she watches him threatened from an unseen presence. Something has invaded the room. In terror, he draws his energy gun and fires, but without effect. The last image she sees before the connection breaks off is an arterial spray across the cabin wall. Aki's crew is not alone, there is another presence aboard; an unseen predator, an enemy. Laura now must find a way, if not to stop it, then only to survive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Characters Laura Lewis Co-Pilot Age: 32 Sex: Female Nationality: USA Due to a malfunction in her resuscitation from cryogenic sleep, Laura has lost a large portion of her memory. Although she wakes in her own cabin, her surroundings seem unfamiliar, a stranger's room. Parker Engineer Age: 30 Sex: Male Nationality: USA One look at his room strewn with empty beer cans and pin-up posters tells the story of Parker's bachelor existence. He has a big heart, but no instincts for housekeeping. Mercus Physician Age: 39 Sex: Male Nationality: GER In overseeing the health of the Aki's crew, Dr. Marcus tends the needs of the sick and injured, provides periodic check- and even occasional psychological counseling. He presents a solid, serious image, but some of his personal effects betray a hidden side to his character. Kimberly Hurd Counselor Age: 32 Sex: Female Nationality: USA Kimberly's job is to ensure smooth relations between members of Aki's crew. She's always available to provide a sympathetic ear, clinical consultation or just chat. George Takahashi Computer Engineer Age: 48 Sex: Male Nationality: JPN George is a workaholic and perfectionist who centers his existence around his computer. When he isn't taking a cat nap, he can usually be found staring into the monitor. He makes it a policy never to answer his video phone when he's working on a project, which hasn't won him any popularity contests with rest of the crew. David Barnard Sub-Captain Age: 31 Sex: Male Nationality: UK David's duties as sub-captain keep most of his time occupied, but when he has a free moment he likes to get back to his cabin to catch up on his reading. Nothing helps take the edge off a long workday like a good book. Ronny Captain Age: 45 Sex: Male Nationality: USA Although as captain, Ronny holds ultimate authority over shipboard activities, it's rare that he issues a direct order. tries not to be away from his cabin during emergency situations, transforming it into a command center of sorts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. The VEXX Network System There are network consoles linked to the Aki's main computer many rooms throughout the space station. The VEXX Network System gives Laura access to important data and video phone communications with other members of the Aki crew. The VPS indicates the relative location of nearby life forms by the following patterns: Video Phone--- To communicate with other crew members over the System. Information---- To access maps and information regarding the status of space station. Data Base----- To access data regarding crew members, and descriptions equipment and items found aboard the Aki. Exit---------- To leave the Network System. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Using the VPS (VEXX Positioning System) The enemy may appear at any time in the corridors the Aki. Because the enemy is invisible, the only method of detecting and tracking its position is through the a device worn inside the ear that signals the and location of life forms through a series of changing tones. (Laura must find the VPS unit in one of the rooms she can detect any enemies.) The VPS indicates the relative location of nearby life forms by the following patterns: FRONT---------- High pitched tone SIDE (left/right)--- Medium pitched tone REAR----------- Low pitched tone The pitch changes when the life form moves to a location, or Laura faces in another direction. The indicates the position of life forms relative to the direction Laura's head is facing, so when she turns her head, the pitch will change even if she remains stationary. The frequency of the tone pulses increases as a life form approaches, becoming a nearly unbroken series of pulses at close range. When the VPS detects the presence of multiple life forms, it emits a unique tone pulse pattern for each life form in range. The enemy is highly intelligent and will attack when it senses another life form in its vicinity. It is attracted by sounds, such as footsteps, so it may be advisable to walk quietly rather than run through locations where you think an enemy lurks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Search Mode When Laura's in one of the space station rooms, the game is in Search Mode. Search Mode allows Laura to search various areas of each room and features movie sequences as she accomplishes certain steps within the story. Each room has a number of points to investigate, which the player does by exploration. If there is an item that can be acquired in that location, Laura will pick it up and add it to her inventory. If another can be performed, an animation rolls as Laura acts out the plot sequence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Saving Game Data In one of the rooms of the Aki, Laura may discover an item called the voice recorder, allowing her to save game data from within any room in the space station. When a data is loaded, the game restarts from the point where the data file you loaded was saved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Shooting enemies The energy gun only has a short range. If you fire too quickly, the energy burst may not reach its target, even if it is in front of you. Timing each shot is essential. There are several types of energy guns found throughout the Aki. Each gun can hold a set of charges. When a gun runs out of energy, it must be recharged before it can be fired again. Gun rechargers are located in various rooms throughout the space station. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 - General Hints Listening is crucial! The beeps from your personal alien detector telling you when an alien is near. Get used to the different tones you - it's a matter of life and death. For example, when the tone is low and there is a lot of space between each beep, that means the alien is behind you at a distance. When the beeps are high and frequent, that means the alien is in front of you. When the tone is slightly off, almost a half tone, that means the alien is either to your right or left. That's when you have to turn to your left or right, still listening to the tones. You should then be able to determine from which direction those aliens are trying to sneak up on you. As with most action adventure games, it's the wise explorer who gains the treasures and access through the entire game. Make sure to explore your ship thoroughly. Try walking up to a wall or item from every possible angle and search it. Some items will not allow you to search them, unless you are standing in the right spot. When you're stuck, try going back and searching things that seem to have little or no importance and you just may find that they actually do. You have to get coordinated with your listening, retreating and firing skills. It's actually a lot easier than it seems. When you hear the alien scream, immediately begin to charge your gun and SIMULTANEOUSLY tap backwards (Down) on your Directional pad. Remember that the alien is advancing towards you even as you walk backwards. Your gun only has a 3-second charge before you have to make a decision whether or not you are going to fire. If you do not fire, your gun will go idle and you have to start the charging process over again. By then it may be too late. As soon as you hear the alien's metal grating scream (different from the first one), fire! A word on solving some of the puzzles found in Enemy Zero. Some puzzles that you are going to come across are going to require actual physical pieces, like keys, to solve it. For others, you are going to need to rely on your wit, memory and skills of observation. If you come to a puzzle that you cannot solve, then go back to the areas you have access to and search for missing clues. Clues can be found in the strangest places, so remember to be thorough! Keeping in contact with your shipmates is vital. Sometimes they give you a clue that you will need in order to continue the game. Other times they will tell you where you need to go next. It's a good idea to try to talk to all of them each time you accomplish something new in the game. Sometimes you need to talk to your shipmates a few times to get all the information out of them. This rule applies to phone conversations, even though they might hang up, as well as questioning them in person. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 - Walkthrough Download the file E0MAPS.ZIP for the Map Files indicated in this walkthrough. Start in Winter Tower Map Files for 1-4 E0MW-1F.JPG (1-4) 1. Laura's Room This is the place where I awoke... Is this my room? I can't remember anything, but now's not the time to think about that. I should get up and get ready to go. I'm bringing items I can carry, although at this moment, I don't understand when, where, or how they are going to be useful for me. 2. Locker Room I found a gun charger in front of the door. But I can't find the guns anywhere. I'm curious about what's in the locker room. Did I leave something before I went into the cold sleep? 3. Winter Store Room It's so dark in here - too dark to see the steps. It looks like the conveyor is not working. But Net Computer which is installed at the corner of the room, is working perfectly fine. We can access the Net Computer from our room, but I wonder why it is set up in such a strange place like this? 4. Stair Room There's an elevator which can be operated manually for emergency evacuations. I stepped onto the elevator carefully watching overhead. I press the button, and it slowly starts moving down to the basement level.... Map Files for 5-8 E0MW-1F.JPG (8) E0MW-B1F.JPG (6) 5. Storage Room I heard a noise right after entering the storage room - it sounds close by. As long as I don't have any weapons, I'll just have to keep on running and hide in a safe place... 6. Parker's Room I walk along. Finally I come to a door, and enter Parker's room. The room is full of junk, but I may be able to find something here that might be a clue... Can I ? 7. Hallway It's becoming too dangerous to wander around in the basement level. I'll use the same route to return, and go back to my room which is safe. I'll try and reach the rest of the crew. 8. Marcus' Room Is that a dispatch tone I hear on the first floor? When I was returned to my room, I saw that someone had broken open the door, and just disappeared. I can't hear a thing. It seems there's something wrong, so I'm going to check it out now... Map Files for 9-13 E0MW-1F.JPG (9, 13) E0MWB1FP.JPG (12) E0MW-B1F.JPG (11) 9. Locker Room I've re-charged the gun that I picked up earlier, so now I'm prepared to fight the enemy. It's time to go searching for the "invisible enemy." 10. Storage Room I'm going to BF1 (the basement floor) where it's easy to find the enemy. It appears that this gun is only good for three shots. I'll have to be careful. If I miss, it's probably better to go back upstairs and return here later. 11. Parker's Room Since I'm at BF1, I'm going to Parker's Room. I'll try to contact as many people as possible by using Video phone. Even if it's only one person, I need to find the survivors... 12. Winter Power Room There's a switch for the elevator in the hallway by the basement. If only I could have contacted the other crew members, I could have used the switch without trouble. 13. Winter Elevator I just killed an enemy in the hallway near the elevator! Acting quickly I jumped onto the elevator not knowing where it will stop.. Map Files for 14-19 E0MW-1F.JPG (14) E0MW-D.JPG (16-19) E0MW-4FE.JPG (15) 14. Winter Elevator Finally the power came back on in this elevator. It looks like there are 5 floors in this tower, but I can only operate the 4th level elevator button. In any case, I plan to continue exploring. 15. Hallway This elevator is at the end of the hallway. Should I take a right or left? Which is safer? I need to survive at least long enough to meet the other survivors... 16. Duct I thought I'd finally found the exit, but it was only the heating duct. It looks like a maze... I don't think I'm going be able to meet anybody here... 17. Resource Library I jumped down from the air shaft. I ended up I in the resource library. I'm hoping somebody left some helpful data on the computer database... 18. Tool Room There are plenty of tools to fix the ship, but seems like most of them aren't operable right now. The only thing that works is the gun charger. 19. Hatch The door is closed off using steel boards. But the boards are totally rusted, and worn out. If I use some kind of pressure, it'll be easy to blow them away.. Map Files for 20-21 E0MW-EB.JPG (21) 20. Kimberly's Room I found the first survivor on the ship. I don't remember her, but she seems really happy to see me. We decided to search for other survivors using the net computer. 21. Emergency Bridge We succeeded in going through the bridge. Kimberly is off on her own, still progressing down the hallway with confidence. Now separated, we don't know when we're going to get attacked by the enemies... Is she really going to be okay?? Now you are entering the Summer Tower Map Files for 22-24 E0MS-5F.JPG (23-24) E0MS-2F.JPG (22) 22. Summer Elevator I quickly entered the elevator by myself. To get to any floor, I must operate three witches. 23. George's Room George is a little too friendly if you ask me. He said his job is to keep the data on the computer. If that's accurate, then he should know everything that has happened up until now. 24. David's Room George asked me to check on David. When I did, I learned that David doesn't particularly like George either. But it's not the time to care about liking or disliking. We need to search, and find the way to save the rest of crew members. Map files for 25-31 E0MS-7F.JPG (26,29) E0MS-6F.JPG (31) E0MS-5F.JPG (25,28,30) E0MS-BF1.JPG (27) 25. George's Room I was following David, but I've somehow lost him. George said he left here a while ago. David is not in his room. Where did he go? Did he go to a different floor? I'm curious about the conversation we had earlier. I'm going have to find him... 26. Ronny's Room Ronny's computer has been protected so that no one can access it. What's the secret information in his computer? Does he have the key to solve the mystery we're now part f? 27. Summer Storage Room I ended up in this room while searching for David. What was he trying to say to me? I can't stop thinking about it... 28. George's Room When I returned to George's room, he was gone. I decided to use the opportunity to check out his computer. I just know there is something very important hidden on it. 29. Ronny's Room I don't feel well. Maybe I should use the key that I picked up earlier. Probably it'll be able to tell me what's wrong with my body. 30. David's Room I ended up panicking and running. I'm not sure how I ended up here, but I'm in David's room. 31. Summer Power Room I found the power room on the 6th floor, but if I don't enter the right code, then the power won't come on. Perhaps the 2 memos that I picked up earlier will provide a clue... Map files for 32-33 E0MS-5F.JPG (32) E0MS-1F.JPG (33) 32. George's Room The number of enemies has increased. Before I move on to a different tower, I 'm going to recharge my gun in George's room since I really don't know when I'll have another opportunity. 33. Connecting Elevator (junction) I don't feel safe here either. I might as well try finding the place Kimberly was telling me about earlier. If I'm going to get killed, I might as well die trying! Now you are entering the Fall Tower Map files for 34-36 EOMS-1F.JPG (34) E0MF-F (35,36) 34. Connecting Elevator (junction) I think my memory is returning, little by little. But before I dwell on my past, I'm going to concentrate on the present - and on keeping safe! 35. Floor 1 through 3 There are several enemies waiting for me... It might be difficult to get out of here without getting killed - I'm not sure the charge on my gun will be enough... 36. Restroom Between the 2 ducts I found a small room. After I take a rest here, I'm going to have to continue my journey. I wonder how long I have to walk 'til I reach my destination? Map files for 37-38 E0MF-F2 (37,38) 37. Floor 4 through 8 I sense enemies all around me. I want to avoid being attacked, especially from 4 different directions! 38. Small ship depot There's only one emergency escape ship. Should I use it to save myself, or should I wait for other survivors? I don't know what to do... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Interview with Mr. Kenji Eno President of Warp, Producer, Director & Storywriter of Enemy Zero Sega Online: If you weren't making games, what would you want to do? Eno-san: After I left high school, I pretty much just listened to music, read magazines and didn't do much for about a year. Then I realized I had to do so I found a job working for a software company. If I weren't making games, I would be something music-related. I'd probably go back to school and earn an advanced degree in it first. There are an enormous amount of talented people in the music industry - I think a degree is essential. The other thing I might do is some type of free-lance work, but I'd still make music on the side Sega Online: Who is your favorite group? Eno-san: I listened to the Beatles, and YMO (Yellow Magic Orchestra) when I was young. I also spent a lot of time making my own music, playing the organ. Eventually my father bought me a computer for the purpose of creating music. Learning how to make music on the computer, lead to my career in making videogames. In junior high school I formed a couple of bands - a rock band, a techno band and a punk band. In one way or another, I was always involved in music. I don't have any particular music that I can say is my absolute favorite, my taste is diverse, however I do tend towards music from the UK and European music. I'm listening to Bjork a lot lately. Sega Online: How much did the concept of Enemy Zero change from the time you began developing it to its completion? Eno-san: The story is almost the same. Typically I think about the storylines when I'm on a long airplane flight. That's what happened with Enemy Zero, I was on my way back from a trip to Germany and I thought up the story. I find when I'm flying it's the perfect time to think about stories, because there are no phones ringing and no interruptions. Once I think up a story I usually stick closely to it in the game's development. Sega Online: What will Laura Lewis' next be? Eno-san: She's going to be in D2. When I was thinking up a character for Enemy Zero, I knew I wanted a character whose motions would show off the tributes of a interactive movie game. The fluid movements of a woman seemed appropriate to meet this challenge. Since we had Laura from D, we decided to modify her character for Enemy Zero. Sega Online: What do you hope people will most appreciate when they play this game? Eno-San That it's different. Unlike fighting role-playing or racing, I think gamers will really feel this game, that they'll be drawn into the experience, even on an emotional level. Sega Online: Eno-san, We know how busy you are and appreciate your taking the time to meet - it's been a pleasure, thank you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 - Contacting Sega for more help For more information on this and other games produced by SEGA call the Game Masters at US: 1-900-200 SEGA -- $.95/min. (recorded), $1.50/min. (live). Must be 18 or have parental permission. TTD Phone required. Sega of America. Canada: 1-900-451-5252 $1.25/min. (recorded/live) (c) 1997 Sega of America and the Sega Forum on Compuserve (GO SEGA)